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what questions do you have?


Browse some of our FAQs below, and feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions. During your free birth consultation, we will be here to answer any of your questions. We want you to feel prepared, and informed going into your birth. Please do not hesitate to ask us anything!

What if we don’t have a big house or we live in an apartment or duplex? Isn’t birth messy and bloody? Who cleans up the mess?

There’s not a lot of space needed to have a homebirth. We’ve done births in very small spaces, including small apartments, studios, mobile homes, RV’s etc. We clean up any mess such as cleaning and draining the pool and trash. No one would ever know there was just a homebirth if you weren’t laying on a chux pad and had a newborn in your arms. You are only left with a bag of trash and a bag of laundry.

baby tongue tie, placenta encapsulation spokane valley wa, cda idaho, post falls, spokane home births

Who can I bring to my appointments?

We are a family friendly practice, and encourage you to bring whomever you want to bring with you. Partner, children, grandma, grandpa, best friend, neighbor, they’re welcome. If they’re important to you, they’re important to us. After all, we love talking about how awesome out-of-hospital birth and midwifery care are, and the more the merrier. If you are bringing your busy, mischievous toddler with you (we have kids; we get it), it’s helpful if you bring someone along (another grownup or older child) who can help them with toys and such so you can focus on your appointment.

Who can come to my birth?

Just like for prenatal visits we support you in having anyone at your birth that helps you feel supported. If they’re important to you, they’re important to us. Some want many there and some want just their significant other.

What if the cord is wrapped around their neck?

We are more shocked when there isn’t a cord wrapped. When not in the water we just unwrap it as baby comes out. In the water baby will come out and we “summersault” the baby underwater.

How will I know if my baby has a tongue tie?

During the newborn exam, we take the time to do a through mouth evaluation to assess for upper lip, lower lip, tongue, and cheek ties (there are actually 7 places in the mouth that can be tied). Early identification of ties can clue us in to potential breastfeeding complications, so we can make appropriate recommendations for lactation support with Megan at The Milk Lady Lactation, referrals for body work (chiropractic and craniosacral therapy), and tie revision if necessary.

prenatal care, Wild Womb Midwifery, Spokane Midwives, home birth midwives Spokane WA, cda home birth birthing center, post falls home births, boho birthing center

What if we’re sick?

Our sick policy: We simply ask that if you’re sick (this includes anyone you might want to bring with you) you stay home. Not sure if you should stay home? If you are symptomatic with fever, cough, snotty nose, HFM (Hand Foot and Mouth), diarrhea, and/or vomiting (morning sickness does not count), those are all good reasons to stay home. Still not sure, please contact us before coming to your appointment. It is vital that your birth team is healthy for upcoming due dates, and needless exposure impacts our ability to care for everyone. Sharing, in this case, is not caring.

I want the freedom to move around to labor and birth where I want.

We are firm believers that every laboring person knows exactly what to do, we want you to listen to your body and labor where and how you please.

I want to do delayed cord clamping and skin to skin

This is exactly what we do. We often do not cut the cord until after the placenta has been delivered and you are ready to get into bed.

Do I really need a doula?

Doulas and midwives have very distinct roles. A doula’s primary focus is to provide the physical and emotional support you need to navigate labor. Most are with you throughout early labor through delivery. We are so blessed to have many wonderful doulas in our community. A midwife’s primary role is to assess and monitor the physical wellbeing of both the mother and the baby throughout labor, birth, and postpartum. This allows us to recognize when something is varying outside of normal so we can make adjustments in the care we are providing.

Investing in a complete birth team is money well spent.

Do you use herbs & homeopathy?

Yes absolutely. Herbs and Homeopathy are our preferred method before any and are our go to in Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum.

What do you do with the Placenta?

The placenta is such a fascinating organ. Our deluxe placenta encapsulation package (placenta encapsulation, placenta tincture, and placenta print) is included in our fee. If you choose to opt out, we take your placenta with us and properly dispose of it.

What if I need an IV or Antibiotics in labor?

We carry all supplies needed to give an IV or Antibiotics in labor or postpartum.