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Benefits of Placenta Encapsulation


Here are 7 great reasons for why you should consider consuming your placenta:

1. Prevention

One of the main reasons that we suggest encapsulation is to avoid the effects of baby blues and potentially ease other postnatal mood disorders, such as postnatal depression. Placenta pills are non-addictive and non-habit forming. Focusing on the fact that your capsules contain your own hormones, they are a much healthier choice than antidepressants and other potential avenues to go down after the birth of your baby when you are feeling low.

2. Breastfeeding

Another benefit of encapsulating your placenta is increased milk supply. What mother would not love the idea of having an abundance of milk after having their baby?! Many mothers worry about this, and struggle with breastfeeding or having enough milk to feed their baby. However, placenta encapsulation has been shown to help with the increase of milk.

3. Increased release of Oxytocin

This is another excellent benefit to encapsulating your placenta as it can encourage positive bonding and helps the uterus return to its normal size. The placenta is an endocrine organ, so it creates hormones. As your hormone levels drop after childbirth, the placenta pills may gently aid in this process.

4. Less fatigue and more energy

Despite a lack of sleep and energy (which we all know comes with the birth of a newborn), research shows an increase in energy, and less fatigue after placenta consumption. This is an outstanding benefit of encapsulating your placenta. Recovering from birth is difficult enough, and taking care of a newborn is exhausting! Placenta encapsulation can give you the extra energy needed to take care of yourself and your baby when you need the extra boost most. This boost in energy is derived from the richness in iron, and is a vital element to postpartum health.

5. You only get one chance (or 2, 3, 4 or 5)!

Time with your newborn is such a joyous, unique and special time in your life and having the opportunity to transition into motherhood as seamlessly as possible is such a gift. Enjoying the journey of encapsulating your placenta is such a wonderful gift to give both you and your newborn.

6. Helps resolve postpartum issues like high blood pressure, swelling and protein in the urine.

Women who have suffered from high blood pressure, swelling and protein in the urine find that consuming their placenta postpartum soothes their kidneys and helps to resolve these symptoms more quickly than if it was left untreated. During and after a normal vaginal delivery (including post-natal bleeding) a new mother will lose 1/8 to 1/10 of her body’s blood supply. With cesarean section births blood loss can be significantly more. Losing a large amount of iron so quickly can cause anemia – leaving a new mum feeling tired, faint and exhausted. The blood needs high supplies of iron to carry oxygen to the cells. Low supplies of oxygen leave your cells starving and less able to heal after trauma. The placenta benefits the new mother by supplying incredibly rich meaty iron, amino acids and essential fats which we believe is the perfect replenishment following the ordeal of birth. Stem cells and growth factors in the placenta play a key role in healing the wound left inside the uterus after birth by the separation of the placenta from the uterine wall. A mother will typically bleed for 3-6 weeks after birth, blood loss stemmed from this wound. We have found however that mothers who consume their placenta after birth, particularly after consuming raw placenta in a smoothie or other bleed significantly less, usually much lighter bleeding for just 5-10 days after birth.

7. Offers natural pain relief after labor and birth of the baby

Research has shown that ingesting placenta increases the effectiveness of opioids. The mother would need to take much less pain medication to reach the same desired pain management. The women would experience less pharmacological side effects and better maternal responsiveness.

$175 Placenta pills & cord keepsake
$275 Placenta pills, cord keepsake, placenta print, tincture, & herbal bath